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Service Equity Analysis for the Proposed Hillsborough Route (Route 9)

Wake County has more than a million residents, and that number grows by an estimated 67 people per day. With more people comes more traffic congestion. That's why Wake County voters chose in November 2016 to invest in the Wake Transit Plan (WTP) with a half-cent transit-designated sales tax. Over the next 10 years, the WTP will triple countywide bus service, increase the number of routes running every 15 minutes or less and add bus rapid transit and commuter rail systems. See the entire plan here.

New services are proposed by the WTP for the Hillsborough corridor, route 9. As a part of federal requirements, an equity analysis was completed to ensure no disparate or disproportionate impacts to minority and low-income populations.

The proposed route 9 will travel from downtown Raleigh to the area nearest to Hillsborough Street and Western Boulevard , providing access to N.C. State University, Methodist College and the N.C. State Fairgrounds.

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The proposed route 9 will be implemented in two phases due to the NCDOT project (U-4437), located near Blue Ridge Road and Hillsborough Street. Once the construction project is complete, route 9 will resume its complete route path. For more information about the project visit: https://www.ncdot.gov/projects/i-440-improvements/Pages/default.aspx

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This analysis is open until April 14, 2022 for public comment and review. For comments or questions, contact GoRaleigh at goraleigh@raleighnc.gov or 919-996-3942.

Service Equity Analysis for the Proposed Hillsborough Route (Route 9)

The Raleigh Transit Authority will review and consider route 9 at their ADD DATE board meeting.