[lead]GoRaleigh presents the GoCard. An easy way to tap your way onto transit.[/lead]

A GoCard is a plastic card with a small, built-in microcomputer chip and integrated circuit that can store and process large amounts of data. GoCards can store any of the passes currently sold, like a digital wallet. It is secure and convenient. Best of all, it is fast. The card reads in less than 500 milliseconds. All you have to do when boarding the bus is briefly hold it an inch or less from the farebox reader. GoCards allow you to ride without money transactions or ticket validations at the farebox.
What buses can I use it on?
GoCards can be used on all GoRaleigh buses. GoCards cannot be used on any other transit provider buses.
Where can I purchase a GoCard?
GoCards are avaiable at Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) located at GoRaleigh Station, GoRaleigh Operations Facility (4104 Poole Rd) and the Crabtree Valley Mall Bus Shelter Area. They are $2.00 each. TVMs accept cash, credit cards and change cards (received instead of change from overpaying fare at the farebox).
What passes are sold in the machine?
All of them! Every pass that is currently sold from GoRaleigh Station or at the GoRaleigh Operations Facility main office is sold at the machine.
How many passes can a passenger store on their GoCard?
One type of pass can only be stored on the card. Example- if you get a GoCard and load a Day Pass, you will NOT be able to load a 31-day pass in the future on that same card. You will only be able to store additional Day Passes.
Can reduced fare passes be bought at the TVM?
Yes. Your reduced fare ID will still need to be checked by the bus driver. If you do not have the ID you must pay full fare. Please do not forget your ID. Replacement IDs can be bought at the GoRaleigh Station information booth for $3.
Where can I reload my GoCard?
At any TVM, GoRaleigh Station info booth or at the GoRaleigh Operations Office (4104 Poole Rd). They cannot be reloaded at the farebox.
Have further questions? Call 919-485-RIDE (7433) or email goraleigh@raleighnc.gov for more information.