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Beginning Sunday, Feb. 14, the GoRaleigh R-Line will be temporarily suspended.

The R-Line is downtown Raleigh's circulator bus service. It connects employees, residents and visitors to retail, restaurants, entertainment venues and parking in the Central Business District.

Due to low ridership numbers, the Raleigh Transit Authority (RTA) voted at a recent board meeting to suspend the R-Line. The RTA was established to set general policy within funding and budgeting parameters of the Department of Transportation – Transit Division.  

Staff and the RTA will be monitoring the following metrics to help determine the return date:

•    Downtown food and beverage sales increase 
•    Downtown pedestrian counts increase 
•    Downtown parking deck utilization increases 

Department of Transportation staff, along with downtown stakeholders including the Downtown Raleigh Alliance and Downtown Living Advocates, will communicate the temporary removal of service and will communicate in advance of the return to service.