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GoRaleigh Service Update

The health and safety of GoRaleigh’s customers and employees remain our top priority.

GoRaleigh Passengers

We recommend passengers wear face masks while on the bus, at shelters and in the station.

GoRaleigh Staff

All GoRaleigh staff members are receiving daily wellness checks at the beginning of their shifts and we recommend they wear face masks when operating buses.

GoRaleigh Cleaning Procedures

While all GoRaleigh facilities are cleaned and buses are cleaned, fueled and checked as part of standard daily GoRaleigh operations, GoRaleigh also:

  • sprays and wipes all bus areas with Clorox commercial disinfecting spray;
  • sprays and wipes door handles, common areas and surfaces throughout GoRaleigh facilities multiple times a day with Clorox commercial disinfecting spray;
  • provides sanitizing wipes for all GoRaleigh staff including bus operators;
  • installed sanitizing pumps throughout GoRaleigh facilities;
  • installed sanitizing pumps for bus operators and public use on all buses;
  • weekly fogging of buses with Zep Triton disinfectant;
  • fogging of buses shelters with Zep Triton disinfectant;
  • nightly fogging with Zep Triton disinfectant for GoRaleigh Station public restrooms;
  • spot sanitizes on buses throughout the day; and
  • deep cleaning of the entire fleet daily. 

Schedule information is available on our Maps & Schedules page. Our Regional Information Center can answer any specific questions that you may have at 919-485-7433 (RIDE).
For more information on the local response to the virus, please visit Wake County’s COVID-19 page at www.wakegov.com/covid19.. For up-to-date City of Raleigh information, visit www.raleighnc.gov.

In response to the evolving COVID-19 concern, GoRaleigh has taken additional precautionary measures