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Three important aspects of the Wake Transit Plan (WTP) are ready for public review and input. These items include the updated 10-year WTP, the draft FY2022 Wake Transit Work Plan and the WTP Community Engagement Policy. All three items help guide the WTP process. Below is a brief outline of each item:

Wake Transit Plan Update

The 10-year WTP is being updated through 2030. The plan outlines the long-term vision for public transportation investment in Wake County. Investments funded in 2021-2030 will build upon the growth and improvements already realized in the first three years of plan implementation. The 40-day public review and comment period for the WTP update is February 19 through March 31.

Fiscal Year 2022 Wake Transit Work Plan 

To accomplish the goals of the WTP, each year transit partners put together and approve a work plan that outlines the service improvements and infrastructure investments that will be funded the next fiscal year (July-June). The draft FY22 Work Plan is available for a 30-day public review and comment period February 19 through March 21. Comments received on the draft plan will be collected and considered by the Transit Planning Advisory Committee prior to approving the draft plan. The final recommended plan will be made available for additional community input in April, prior to its adoption in June.

Wake Transit Community Engagement Policy 

One of the priorities of the Wake Transit program is that all Wake County community members have meaningful opportunities to participate in the decision-making process for investments through continuous, cooperative and comprehensive engagement. As part of our regular program performance review process, staff saw opportunities to update the policy to reflect current best practices, to offer clearer guidance to partners and to establish a set of standards that align well with the many activities of the WTP. The draft policy update is available for a 45-day public review period February 19 through April 5.

Complete details for each planning document are available at www.goforwardnc.org/wakeinput.