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Regional 7-Day Pass (Discount Fare)

Regional Passes

Use Regional Passes for unlimited rides on GoTriangle's regional routes, plus all GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary routes.

Unlimited rides for seven (7) days, starting when it is first used. Discount Fare passes may only be used by persons with disabilities. Seniors 65+ ride free.
Valid on GoTriangle (regional routes only), GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary. Present a valid ID each time you board.

Regional 7-Day Pass (Discount Fare)

Regional Passes

Use Regional Passes for unlimited rides on GoTriangle's regional routes, plus all GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary routes.

Unlimited rides for seven (7) days, starting when it is first used. Discount Fare passes may only be used by persons with disabilities. Seniors 65+ ride free.
Valid on GoTriangle (regional routes only), GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary. Present a valid ID each time you board.

Regional 31-Day Pass (Discount Fare)

Regional Passes

Use Regional Passes for unlimited rides on GoTriangle's regional routes, plus all GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary routes.

Unlimited rides for 31 days, starting when it is first used. Discount Fare passes may only be used by persons with disabilities. Seniors 65+ ride free.
Valid on GoTriangle (regional routes only), GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary. Present a valid ID each time you board.

Regional 31-Day Pass (Discount Fare)

Regional Passes

Use Regional Passes for unlimited rides on GoTriangle's regional routes, plus all GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary routes.

Unlimited rides for 31 days, starting when it is first used. Discount Fare passes may only be used by persons with disabilities. Seniors 65+ ride free.
Valid on GoTriangle (regional routes only), GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary. Present a valid ID each time you board.

$13.50 Value Card

Value Cards

Use Value Cards to buy one-way fares and 1-day passes as you need them, at a 20% discount! They are accepted on GoTriangle, GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary buses.

Buy $13.50 worth of fares and day passes for just $12! Value Cards can be used to pay full fare or discount fare on any route, and buy any kind of one-day pass.
Accepted at the farebox on GoTriangle, GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary buses.

$13.50 Value Card

Value Cards

Use Value Cards to buy one-way fares and 1-day passes as you need them, at a 20% discount! They are accepted on GoTriangle, GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary buses.

Buy $13.50 worth of fares and day passes for just $12! Value Cards can be used to pay full fare or discount fare on any route, and buy any kind of one-day pass.
Accepted at the farebox on GoTriangle, GoDurham, GoRaleigh, and GoCary buses.